How To Become A Leading Marketer- By: Simon Oates

Description : Marketing is perhaps the most competitive industry on the planet, for the simple fact that the job is to attract attention of consumers, and attract some of their hard earned and strictly limited supply of cash to be spent on a specific product. This limited supply of disposable income makes the marketers job an increasingly hard one.

What makes matters worse is that the number of marketers (Supply), especially those operating online, are increasing at a faster rate than the amount of disposable income available (demand) and this over supply means that marketers are getting lower and lower returns on their efforts.

But still, more and more people decide to have a go at online marketing each day mainly due to the fact that make money online products seem to be selling at an ever faster rate as people look to expand their income.

It s a big dillema, and the economics of it all ensure that the odds are very much against a new marketer succeeding. The professional, fulltime online marketers are the leaders of the profession. Once they gain a momentum, and a massive email list they can pretty much succeed at every venture they enter into.

So How Does One Become a Marketing Leader?

You can become a leadership figure in the marketing community using a firm set of principles that apply for all types of leaders in many fields of business, marketing is just one of them. These principles may go against your first instinct, but they are drawn from real life examples. Remember if someone is trying to sell you something, its possible they have no incentive to tell the truth. However I m not selling you any marketing related product, so I can be honest and frank.

The First Rule For Becoming a Marketing Leader: Be Transparent.

There is one massive difference between the likes of Shoemoney or John Chow, against the average newbie online marketer. Shoemoney tells the truth.

New marketers realise the situation they are in one of a follower and not a leader. They usually have to sell something that they have little experience in. This is almost always the story with Making money online marketers. But rather than admit their newbishness, these starters lie instead, or become faceless.

They may feel that by simply using a pre made sales page, and changing the signature to their own, they are doing everything they can to be a great marketer, but they underestimate their customers. Online shoppers are savvy now, and can spot a generic, carbon copy sales page a mile off. Potential customers realise that these are often just setup and left by any old Joe to generate income without any knowledge.

The top marketing bloggers however, engage properly with their readers. They use videos, pictures, honest commentary, and even the occasional negative review in order to assure their readers that they are the real deal. And as a result, trust is at its maximum, and sales conversions are high. These have the leadership positions.

So you would think there is a real dillema here. If newbies need to be honest, but to be honest would be to admit that they know nothing about their topic, surely sales will be zero? Wrong. Absolutely lots of people have realised that by actually blogging about their REAL growth along the path of online marketing, they attract a good crowd of readers who are sharing the same adventure.

To see some examples. Google for something like My Online Marketing Journey or similar!

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Author Resource : Simon Oates blogs about Leadership and Marketing at Come learn some more!